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Who do you ship more? Touka and Kaneki, or Kaneki and Hide?

Anonymous November 3, 2014 3:11 am

Who do you ship more?
Touka and Kaneki, or Kaneki and Hide?

    Anonymous November 3, 2014 7:36 am

    Tbh, I'm more of a Tsukiyama/Kaneki type of gal, but I think Kaneki and Touka would totes make an adorable couple! ^0^

    totally November 5, 2014 5:16 pm

    hide & kaneki~~~ <3 <3
    hide is soooo sweeeeett~~~~~~

    Anonymous November 6, 2014 5:03 am
    hide & kaneki~~~ <3 <3hide is soooo sweeeeett~~~~~~ @totally

    YAAASSS Hide and Kaneki! They're my OTP! Can they just get together already?

    Anonymous November 26, 2014 11:15 pm
    YAAASSS Hide and Kaneki! They're my OTP! Can they just get together already? @Anonymous

    I can see it happening. They're made for each other.

    Anon December 6, 2014 8:44 am

    Hide and Kaneeekkkiiiii~~

    Mia December 9, 2014 9:21 pm

    the childhood friend who understands him the most~~~ kanekixhide~~

    Ninja Fangirl January 10, 2015 7:47 am

    Honestly... I feel as Hide-chan would remain like that sad B-kun you see in love triangles. T^T

    .. January 20, 2015 2:33 pm

    Tsukiyama deserve Kaneki more then anyone else , I am on Tsukiyama/Kaneki team T_T