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This author makes the cutest romance yaoi Mangas ever!! > 0 <

WHY GOD WHY November 1, 2014 6:39 am

This author makes the cutest romance yaoi Mangas ever!! > 0 <

    Sakura Hime ;) May 15, 2015 3:24 pm

    Oh god even though I have read it countless times still it's just not enough for me.
    I just love this manga so damn much.
    Ashikata and Noshiro are way too hot for my poor little heart to handle.

    Sakura Hime ;) May 15, 2015 3:24 pm
    Oh god even though I have read it countless times still it's just not enough for me. I just love this manga so damn much. Ashikata and Noshiro are way too hot for my poor little heart to handle. Sakura Hime ;)
