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I can't help but be more and more pissed off with every chapter I read. I continue to read...

Fallynn October 27, 2014 3:01 am

I can't help but be more and more pissed off with every chapter I read. I continue to read it, but I just can't be sure why. Everybody in this story needs to be smacked one way or another. I know love isn't easy and it has its trials and tribulations, but this is ridiculous. You know how you read a story and a couple goes through the wringer, but they still end up happy together in the end somehow, and you think, "Man, I wouldn't mind going through that if I could get a man/girl to love me like that." This is not the type of story for that type of thought; at least not for me. DON'T GET ME WRONG, IT IS A GOOD STORY. But man, it knows how to pull out all of my anger feels! #WantToHopInTheMangaAndSmackSomebody
