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*SIGH* Does anyone else think that Sensei's reasons for Sasuke fighting are kind of weak a...

BitchesBTrippin' October 24, 2014 4:17 am

*SIGH* Does anyone else think that Sensei's reasons for Sasuke fighting are kind of weak and contrived? I love this manga but now it just feels like sensei is trying to pull it in a direction that doesn't feel right for the story - I get the symbolism of them fighting for the last time, but Sasuke's reasons for it prove he's learned nothing from his experiences or from his brother. Now I read it out of obligation more than anything, which is sad. I'm not enjoying the ending after so many freaking years of reading it : (

    Anonymous October 24, 2014 8:09 am

    I say this to my friends he just wants to make them fight FOR some fucking reason !!!!!!!!!