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omg i have a job interview tomorrow im so nervous.. any advice to help myself calm down? i...

yanyan October 20, 2014 2:05 am

omg i have a job interview tomorrow im so nervous.. any advice to help myself calm down? im afraid my nervousness will get the best out of me.. T>T

    Jade blue October 20, 2014 2:31 am

    Do anything tht relaxes you before you start such as read manga, watch anime, or listen to music. To calm ur nerves (Those are things tht relaxes me) repeat what you want to say over and over again so your wouldn't stumble. Good luck

    Onna31 October 20, 2014 4:48 am

    relax n hear the question clamly,whn panic we tend to babble n gv long unneeded answer. wake up early n try to arrive early. all documentation n pen must b ready tonight.

    .........and smile.....

    Keiko October 20, 2014 5:02 am

    Apparently chewing gum tricks your brain into thinking everything is ok and calms you down, since nervousness/adrenaline shuts down our ability to feel hunger, and the action of "eating" resets it.
    Plus you'll have fresh breath!
    (just make sure you spit it out before you go in for the actual interview!)
    Good luck!

    Clearclear October 20, 2014 7:35 am

    Just listen to Kyari Pamyu Pamyu's music ^^
    Or eat to distract yourself!!!
    Do both if you'd like :)
    I guarantee it might not work so well