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hey fans of this manga i have s couple questions!! so i read a couple of chapters of this ...

Korrasan October 16, 2014 12:58 pm

hey fans of this manga i have s couple questions!! so i read a couple of chapters of this along time a go but got really frustrated with the relationship val and hall had.. i didnt like that he kept having sex with the demon version of him with out him knowing. i wanted to have a relationship of their own in vals normal state!! do they ever actually establish one in vals normal state ?? do they actually ever have sex when his just himself lol i wanna know this stuff to see if its work the read xp cuz i really like this author! any repsonses are appreciated thanks ~~

    Rosebud October 16, 2014 1:08 pm

    Yes they do, and actually havi prefers the real val!! So keep reading

    Roses&Steps October 16, 2014 6:12 pm

    Thats as stated.. keep reading