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It's been so long since I read this and I stil love it so much! I'm just sorry I didn't kn...

Asami-san's lover October 10, 2014 8:33 pm

It's been so long since I read this and I stil love it so much! I'm just sorry I didn't know about its prequel and sequel ... >.<

    Elenari October 28, 2014 11:16 pm

    Theres a sequel?! O.O

    Asami-san's lover October 28, 2014 11:47 pm
    Theres a sequel?! O.O Elenari

    Issho ni Kuraro (includes Pure thread of first love - prequel to Henai Prince)
    Henai Prince
    Unmei nanosa
    This is the sequence to the Satou brothers' story. Enjoy!

    Elenari October 28, 2014 11:50 pm
    Issho ni Kuraro (includes Pure thread of first love - prequel to Henai Prince)Henai PrinceUnmei nanosaThis is the sequence to the Satou brothers' story. Enjoy! Asami-san's lover

    Thank you! <3

    Ninja Fangirl January 10, 2015 7:37 am
    Issho ni Kuraro (includes Pure thread of first love - prequel to Henai Prince)Henai PrinceUnmei nanosaThis is the sequence to the Satou brothers' story. Enjoy! Asami-san's lover

    you just blew my mind....