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OH COME ON!! what the hell kind of end is that? it looks more like it's tarting a new Arc ...

Some Danish Chick September 28, 2014 10:08 pm

OH COME ON!! what the hell kind of end is that? it looks more like it's tarting a new Arc than anything else!! You can't raise THAT many questions in the last few chapters!!!!

    Ikr September 28, 2014 10:43 pm

    *sniff* Kaneki lives on within Arima's briefcase *sniff*

    kira September 29, 2014 1:40 am

    of course it's not the ending of the manga. the business-oriented manga company would not let this manga end like this as long as there's a big fan base demanding more. there's a second season for TG anime and it's popularity is still on the rise (unlike Naruto which is getting axed ^^). this is actually a gimmick to stir the fanbase and raise manga's popularity.

    Ikr September 29, 2014 1:44 am
    of course it's not the ending of the manga. the business-oriented manga company would not let this manga end like this as long as there's a big fan base demanding more. there's a second season for TG anime and ... @kira

    ugh...Naruto used to be so good :,( But I can't wait for the 2nd season of TG, also, I'm eagerly awaiting the possible continuation.

    Ai-chan September 30, 2014 7:25 am

    did it finish?

    Anonymous September 30, 2014 9:51 am
    of course it's not the ending of the manga. the business-oriented manga company would not let this manga end like this as long as there's a big fan base demanding more. there's a second season for TG anime and ... @kira

    Err...I think the anime season 2 officially got canceled?

    Anonymous October 1, 2014 5:30 am
    of course it's not the ending of the manga. the business-oriented manga company would not let this manga end like this as long as there's a big fan base demanding more. there's a second season for TG anime and ... @kira

    I read this online and it makes me hopeful for a continuation. It was translated on a site so here it is. ill put link on the end.
    "the series "tokyo ghoul" officially ends at chapter 143. Next week, YJ will stop publishing the work. Thank you, sincerely, for supporting and reading my work. Also, Im very sorry to leave everyone (anxious?)
    Please let me explain. Originally, YJ is supposed to be realeased today, Thursday, so the chapter content was supossed to be seen today but due to the magazine leakage a couple of days earlier, pictures from the chapter spread online everywhere. Alot of people have asked me about this.
    the number of people questioning were so many, so i was thinking if i "should announce it", but i thought of the people who where waiting for the actual Thursday realease, I apologize to those who have know what happened (in 143) an still had to wait until today (for an explanation)
    tl;dr: I didnt know how to responds so I didnt. Sorry for all people that thought i was ill.
    the leakage to the net was unexpected, so some have know about the contents of the magazine for quite some time until today, about the end. Starting today, I would probably start feeling uneasy, because there is no excuse about this (the leákage)
    the opening remarks i typed down was quite long, but now on the main topic. i have received alost of questionns from everyone about the manga, but as much as possible, I would want to treat everyone equally in terms of enjoying the mange I belive
    Since some questions about the content are bound to be answerd later through the manga, I would like to execuse for not being able to give a reply well. Well I did answer some so that make me think thats its okay.
    tl;dr the leaked material will not shift the storyline. The questions about the caracters will be answerd in the manga accordingly (in chronological order)
    tl;dr I cannot reaveal information. Further annoucment going to be on the offical website. BUT IF YOU ARE ABLE TO WAIT LONGER I Greatly Appreciate it please
    (sorry for the tldrs i typed on phone and its closed the tweet and didnt want to rewrite it"

    the site is :

    and the topic is:Someone translated Ishida Sui's last Tweets about Tokyo ghoul (possible spoiler)