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Literally every fight in Bleach: Enemy: Blah blah blah - unstoppable move, legendary - bla...

Mint September 26, 2014 2:36 pm

Literally every fight in Bleach:
Enemy: Blah blah blah - unstoppable move, legendary - blah blah blah
Character: *either widens eyes in shock or looks indifferent* *attacks them and lands a lethal hit*
Enemy: *widens eyes and makes a maniac face while screaming* HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?!?!?!
Enemy: Lol jk *does another move and makes character immobile*
Character: *on the face of death does their final move and wins*
Enemy: *dead*
Character: I must help the others/I wonder how the others are doing
Enemy: *Comes back to life*
End of chapter.
