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unbelievable (spoilers)

marry September 24, 2014 6:06 am

i have read this manga many times and i still found Akira's reaction to his father in the end unbelievable. I understand that there are some forgiving people out there but come on, Akira's is just unbelievable. I am not saying that he should have killed him but at least destroy him but to just forgive him after his weak ass reasoning for his actions that is just too much. I can understand respecting the wish of his lover while she was alive but after she died all his actions afterward is just fucked up. what is the most unforgivable or should i say unacceptable is the fact that he was willing to have Akira sleep with a business partner to get a contract

    Madidi October 31, 2014 1:11 pm

    I think he might have done it for his little brother, though..
    Perhaps, since Nao was still so young, Akira wanted him to have a father growing up..
    Of course I don't know this for sure, but that's what I want to believe, because, as you stated, the father had done some unforgivable things, especially the 'whoring' of his son..
    Akira may not have forgiven their father, but for his beloved little brother, who knows not of any of the wrongdoings, except for the neglectful behaviour on their and their mother's part, and so is an innocent kid who deserves to have a father in his life.. ?
    Well, something like that..
    ? ^^"

    Lemons November 22, 2014 5:42 pm

    I agree with pretty much all of that, especially the part where he has his kid or wants him to sleep with a client. I think the guy is a little fake. And the author didn't portray him correctly.