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Remember, this is my opinion so do NOT curse me to hell just coz Y you don't agree with wh...

HonestlySpeaking September 1, 2014 11:05 am

Remember, this is my opinion so do NOT curse me to hell just coz Y
you don't agree with what I say!

This started out as an amazing successor to the all-time king of basketball manga (again, this is my opinion): SLAM DUNK. I fell in love with Kuroko and the entire cast, cried with each loss, and grinned like an idiot with each victory. However! This was one of the WORST ways to end a magnificent manga. I can overlook the fact that the story went downhill after the Winter Cup's first round, but to end a manga so half-heartedly and eerily similar to SD is just f*cking bullcr*p. I just have one question for the mangaka:

