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Searching for this mystery and detective manga

FluffyHanyou August 30, 2014 4:07 pm

I'm looking for this detective manga (I just read one volume) where the main character wants to become a detective after he was saved by this one detective when he was kidnapped. Basically (I think) this detective opens a special school where you will either become professional police or detective. Skip skip skip the protag and his gang get to go to the school and they went to this island and they were stucked there because of the weather or something, and a mudured happen when the victims was cut in a half or something.

    Nice Knowing You ^_^ August 30, 2014 4:13 pm

    Detective Academy Q

    FluffyHanyou August 30, 2014 4:15 pm
    Detective Academy Q @Nice Knowing You ^_^

    Omg that was fast and thank you very much!