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Let me tell y'all a story about my day

NattKatt August 29, 2014 9:52 pm

I went for my first MRI today. I was like "Yea! Fuck yea!!!" The first part was okay I chilled for like 15 minutes going through the machine. Then came the second part. The doctor has to inject some dye into you to make shit visible. I'm the BIGGEST BITCH when it comes to needles. As soon as the nurse was like take off you shorts and stuff, I called my mom and started crying. I flipped shit. I wanted my pillow so much. So I layed down a while later and then the doctor came in and he was a guy, I'm a chick. So I'm like okay, so far so good, then I saw it. The biggest damn needle I've ever seen.THIS BITCH WAS GOING INTO MY HIP. It hurt a little but I cried through the whole thing, the nurse had to hold me down. I'm so scarred right now. My mom made it sound like it was nothing. Then when we get home she tells me all the bad things that has happened with her and needles, I almost passed out twice today. I'm a 6ft tall girl that can't even handle a 4 inch needle. *slow clap*.

    ... August 29, 2014 10:24 pm

    I had my first MRI a couple months ago and didn't like it at all, either. I was so nervous, they asked me why I was shaking so much, but I really couldn't help it. Well, at least you got it over with now! I hope you can relax now and enjoy something calming to take your mind off things, like a funny manga or a show you like... you deserve it. Good luck!

    nice yuki says August 30, 2014 12:58 am

    I do flu shots and my dad and mom are scared of needles, but for me and sis we're totally not afraid of needles. I guess we're strange but I'm also glad that I'm not afraid of them (I don't know my other body parts though). Anyway, why don't you not think, close your eyes, take deep inhales, and count to twenty or when the injection's done. I know somewhere you guys have a brave heart. ^v^

    NattKatt August 30, 2014 9:05 pm
    I do flu shots and my dad and mom are scared of needles, but for me and sis we're totally not afraid of needles. I guess we're strange but I'm also glad that I'm not afraid of them (I don't know my other body p... @nice yuki says

    I did but someone said "We're putting the needle in." So I really had no choice but to freak out.