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I don't know if I want to tell Kaneki to go towards the light or not to go towards the lig...

raziesgirl August 29, 2014 7:24 pm

I don't know if I want to tell Kaneki to go towards the light or not to go towards the light .Lord know's he's been through HELL and BACK and HELL again I just hope that there's light at the end of this tunnel .But I'm concerned I've seen mangakan's put there main characters through hell and just when you think they'll show them some mercy they kill them off so right now I just don't know .Plus that Arima guy is a total monster in more ways then some even that messed up kid that works for the CCG got more feeling's then this guy. The fraze killing machine is very apt when it comes to Arima he's colder then a corpse .

    Lidsworth August 29, 2014 7:40 pm

    I feel you. I kinda just want Kaneki to rest for a while, he's way too stressed (what an understatement). I feel bad for him.