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If this ends like konya mo nemurenai I'm going to fucking explode. Such great stories don'...

Anon July 30, 2014 6:43 am

If this ends like konya mo nemurenai I'm going to fucking explode. Such great stories don't deserve rushed endings T_T

I love it so far though. Just fearing another rush job...

    thugnagisa August 1, 2014 4:49 pm

    I know what you mean, I expected so much from Konya mo Nemurenai. There wasn't any detail on their first time even though it was highly anticipated. And people love the characters, the story and then it just kinda ended there, half assed, rushed. I guess Yamamoto has a lot going on.

    kitteh August 7, 2014 7:58 am

    wait, konya mo nemurenai is over???? is this cuz i don't read japanese?? ohh noooo plz don't tell me it's unresolved?!?!?!? >_< i really do love yamamoto sensei thooo <3

    Anon August 7, 2014 10:26 am

    Konya no nemurenai has a spin-off to be released, so it really hasn't fully ended yet,