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Sorry to ask but I'm new in reading this manga. Just finished...obviously I'm obsessed now...

Anonymous July 25, 2014 4:12 am

Sorry to ask but I'm new in reading this manga. Just finished...obviously I'm obsessed now so does this manga is updated regularly??? or just once a year? I'm just trying to prepare myself for the wait!!

    Anonymous July 25, 2014 4:17 am

    the updates are extremely slow and it only updates one installment at a time. It may update in 4 months at the shortest and a year later at the longest

    Anonymous July 25, 2014 4:28 am

    Sounds like agony! But that's what I feared. Guess I'll try watching the anime in the meantime. Thanks for the info.

    unfadingstardust July 25, 2014 5:20 am

    yeahh, the updates are slow but it doesn't update 4 months to a year as the other Anon said. It's updated monthly because this manga is released monthly. There's usually one chapter published and translated a month and usually it's out in the beginning of the month.

    Kawaii July 25, 2014 5:53 pm

    I always thought it was the 5th of each month

    Anonymous July 26, 2014 12:44 am

    it's monthly, not 4 months......