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Reino, during unexpected love story, said Ren had this horrible past, hell like, blah blah...

Cri July 19, 2014 10:20 pm

Reino, during unexpected love story, said Ren had this horrible past, hell like, blah blah blah... Really it's not as terrible as all that. He grew up in a rich, loving family. Yeah he was persecuted because his mixed blood, his acting abilities were put down, and his best friend dies because he was doing something violent and stupid... but there's worse tragedies than all that. Batman has a more tragic backstory for goodness sake. it's not like he grew up poorer than dirt in a war zone in africa as a child soldier or anything... THAT's a hell like childhood. Kinda pisses me off really...

    ren fan July 20, 2014 4:17 am

    if you don't like it don't read it

    Cri July 20, 2014 5:29 am

    But i do like it! LOVE it even. :)
    I also like to pull it apart to see what makes it tick. Usually Skip Beat withstands every critical analysis i through at it. The characters are beautifully written. The humor is well timed and has a universal appeal. Nakamura's world building skills are something every author would want to give their teeth for. So when i come across little things like this, it upsets me more than usual because Skip Beat is usually so unbeatable. :(

    anon July 27, 2014 3:56 pm

    everyone reacts to stimulus differently. Whereas one person would calmly brush a spider that landed on them and continue on with their day, I would be traumatized. Ren was a sensitive child by all accounts. He was constantly being bullied by the other actors, failing a lot at his job, and feeling like he couldn't share his problems with anyone. That's a lot of burden for any child, much less one like Ren. So I can totally see why Reino would say what he did. All that buried rage has got to come out sometime....and usually releases when you finally snap.

    You can find examples of this in the news all the time. Quiet, sensitive kids who are constantly bullied finally snap and go on a killing rampage.

    So maybe he's no Batman, but I can definitely understand how tragic his backstory is for him