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I can't wait to read Hinako's story :D

Mina July 8, 2014 1:16 pm

I can't wait to read Hinako's story :D

    Anonymous September 14, 2014 2:54 pm

    Hinako is the bartender friend of aya and rinka? I'd like to see him hook up with ri ka's older brother (although he was only mentioed in the story). Hinako az the teasing aggressive uke ... i can just imagine the sparks that will fly

    Mina September 14, 2014 3:32 pm
    Hinako is the bartender friend of aya and rinka? I'd like to see him hook up with ri ka's older brother (although he was only mentioed in the story). Hinako az the teasing aggressive uke ... i can just imagine ... @Anonymous

    Yes, Hinako is the bartender/host. His storyline is next, after Rinka's. I love Hinako, he's hilarious!
    Anyways... if you wanna find out who he ends up with, just scroll through the raws, it's aaaallll there ;-P
    though sadly not in English... yet!