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At some point in the manga, Shinri-Sensei says that her fellow workers called Naoya Mr. Mo...

soulofalover April 13, 2014 11:01 pm

At some point in the manga, Shinri-Sensei says that her fellow workers called Naoya Mr. Moron - I totally disagree - he is someone who spaces out a bit, but then if you're used to being alone all the time, you live "inside your head" don't you?
I think he is extremelly sensitive especially toward others. If he makes mistakes, they will harm him more than others. Saying that, of course, he will sometimes cause other people to feel that he can't fend for himself - he feels quite inferior to others - all because of what happened at home...

Anyway, poor Naoya, I do like him a lot!
As for Tsukasa, I don't feel he's a "dark" carachter - I really find him very interesting (u don't have to be laughing all the time!!) and like him a lot.

All in all, I've read this manga for the 2nd time now, and I absolutely love it!!
Keep up the good work Sensei and thank u soooo much!!

    meme August 1, 2014 2:09 am

    i agree with you