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Hey, Asshole who uploaded this. September Scans--the lovely group that translated this--ha...

GD November 13, 2013 1:17 am

Hey, Asshole who uploaded this. September Scans--the lovely group that translated this--has asked REPEATEDLY for their doujinshi to not be uploaded to sites like this. Everyone can read this work on their website in high quality, so please...just take it down. These people provide us with such quality work for free, the least we can do is honor is their wishes.

    Rae November 26, 2013 2:32 am

    I totally agree, I was just browsing through and I saw this. It breaks my heart that SS isnt getting the respect they deserve

    blackie February 20, 2014 11:30 am

    i don't know if the downloaders ever read these posts, so you might be wasting your breath unless you email them or something idk

    Luka July 20, 2014 5:43 am

    Right now places like this are some of the only places to read these because someone got SS in "trouble" for translating and uploading doujinshi. So even if it was an asshole move on the website's part it's still kind of fortunate. (This, by no means, does it mean that I agree with them uploading this on their site without permission.)