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I feel tricked...i fall in love with the manga to all of sudden get a spanish chapter (whi...

mangaaddict June 20, 2013 10:30 pm

I feel tricked...i fall in love with the manga to all of sudden get a spanish chapter (which I got by with the 3 years of High school spanish I took) but the rest were japanese...Which I can't read...and then ch 6 is english again..THEY'RE MESSING WITH ME NOW...I just wanna read this manga...TTOTT

    Who? June 27, 2013 6:54 am

    It's Chinese lolz, I would be happy if it Japanese since I can read it

    あなたはばかか? July 19, 2013 4:14 pm

    Japan uses chinese kanji so if u really know japanese u should be able to read it

    Ayu August 1, 2013 11:14 am

    About "あなたはばかか?" - you've made a mistake in this sentence -.-'' What a show off :/ Japanese language uses only some of a Chinese kanji, many of them are only based on Chinese, but look totally different, and because of hiragana and katakana Chinese and japanese is SO MUCH different! What's more in Japanese you have to know 2k kanji, but in Chinese it's like 5k or MORE. So wtf? ಠ_ಠ And maybe person below meant, s/he can find kanji by radicals? Well, it's not a problem for me in Japanese, but I can't do it with Chinese :/ I don;t want to live on this planet anymore ;_;

    T.T. December 16, 2013 10:33 am

    Also towards "あなたはばかか?" Saying that if you know Japanese, you should be able to read Chinese; is like saying if you know English you should be able to read Latin. Sure, you may be able to catch similarities now and then, but that doesn't change the fact that they're two different languages. And obviously you need to learn each language individually to fully understand it. Now who's the idiot?