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You can read here with all chapters but this link contains porn (sorry) .....can't find an...

Anonymous June 2, 2013 12:42 pm

You can read here with all chapters but this link contains porn (sorry) .....can't find any other link......

    LaLaLaLa June 2, 2013 12:50 pm
    Izumi-kun(0.0) August 4, 2013 8:59 pm

    @anonymous I have to tell u that some of the pages are missing in that link :'( but thanks anyway<3 it's weary nice when people giv us other readers links so we can read/look at the rest( or the same manga, but in a better pic) of a manga<3<3
    Me (-.^)

    RinaChan October 1, 2013 4:54 pm

    @ Anonymous thanks for the link you shared to us but as Izumi kun said some of the pages are missing I don't know if the uploader of that site intentionally put it w/ missing pages or he/she didn't even notice it? even tho it isn't nice or good but the only good thing ....... are you can read the whole book from yellow 1 (v1-4) to yellow 2 :) added it is .html and no flash plug-in loading on my FF ^_^" its fast to load each pages when you read.

    But the important is the pages that the readers enjoying =)